• Let's dance together. Photo credit: Indigenous Tourism Quebec
  • Let's appreciate regalia's colours. Photo credit: Indigenous Tourism Quebec
  • Let's discover flavours together. Photo credit: Indigenous Tourism Quebec
  • Let's enjoy Indigenous know-how. Photo credit: Indigenous Tourism Quebec
  • Let's create together. Photo credit: Indigenous Tourism Quebec

MAMOWINITOTAN - Together: all memorable moments start with an encounter

Driven by a deep desire for dialogue, sharing, and listening, Mamowinitotan reveals numerous encounters between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Through culture, immersed in nature, or at the heart of festivities, discover inspiring exchanges that remind us how living together enriches us with these precious moments where hearts and minds sincerely connect. Experience these great moments for yourself.


Onhwa’ Lumina
@ Onhwa’ Lumina

Onhwa’ Lumina

  Québec region

You are invited to Wendake, near the city of Quebec, to discover an enchanted night walk of 1.2-kilometre, 4-season that celebrates the Huron-Wendat Nation [ read more ... ]

Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute
@ Institut culturel cri Aanischaaukamikw

Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute

  James Bay

Wachiya! Awarded the United Nations “We the Peoples” Award, the community of Oujé- Bougoumou is host to the Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute. This [ read more ... ]

Musée Huron-Wendat
@ Musée Huron-Wendat

Musée Huron-Wendat

  Québec region

Delve into the history of a vibrant culture. Discover objects which evoke ancestral traditions that still echo today. An exceptional collection is presented [ read more ... ]

Musée des Abénakis

Musée des Abénakis


On the shores of the Saint-François River, 10 km from Lac Saint-Pierre, Quebec’s first Indigenous museum offers a captivating cultural experience. Come [ read more ... ]

Ilnu Museum of Mashteuiatsh - Kakanauelitakanitshuap
@ Musée Amériendien de Mashteuiatsh

Ilnu Museum of Mashteuiatsh - Kakanauelitakanitshuap


Visitors can relive 6,000 years of Pekuakamiulnuatsh history through various museum exhibits. Gain a compelling and provocative view into an age-old culture [ read more ... ]


Pow-Wow Trail

Pow-Wow Trail


The Pow-wow Trail is a series of vibrant events celebrating Indigenous cultures across Quebec during the summer. With over thirty participating communities [ read more ... ]

Pow-wow d'Odanak

Pow-wow d'Odanak


From July 20 to 21, 2024

The Odanak Pow Wow remain faithful to the elements that have made it so popular. The last weekend of July will be devoted to a range of activities against [ read more ... ]

International pow-wow of Wendake

International pow-wow of Wendake

  Québec region

2025 dates to be announced (June)

Come live an unforgettable cultural experience with family and friends at the heart of the Huron- Wendat community! Attend the international drum & dance [ read more ... ]

Pow-wow de Kahnawake
@ Pow-wow de Kahnawake

Pow-wow de Kahnawake


From July 13 to 14, 2024

This year’s edition of the Echoes of a Proud Nation Pow Wow is slated to take place on July 8 and 9, 2023. The event promotes an atmosphere of friendship [ read more ... ]

Innu Nikamu Festival
@ JB Films

Innu Nikamu Festival


From July 30 to August 4, 2024

Innu Nikamu (“he sings in Innu”) is one of the biggest Indigenous music festivals on the continent. Over four days, artists from different nations take [ read more ... ]


Essipit Outfitters

Essipit Outfitters


Located near Tadoussac, or in the forest, the Innu community Essipit invites you to discover its outfitting services in addition to a multitude of activities [ read more ... ]

Corporation Nibiischii
@ Corporation Nibiischii

Corporation Nibiischii

  James Bay

Nibiischii Corporation (Land of Water) operates the vast Albanel-Mistassini-and-Waconichi Wildlife Reserve, spanning more than 16,000 km². This magnificent [ read more ... ]

Parks Nunavik
@ Anne-Claude Roberge

Parks Nunavik


Nunavik is Québec’s far north, rugged and awe-inspiring. For millennium, the remote geography of this immense territory has served to protect the region [ read more ... ]

Hébergement Aux Cinq Sens

Hébergement Aux Cinq Sens

  Eastern Townships

Hébergement aux Cinq Sens is located in Piopolis in the Eastern Townships, in proximity to Lac Mégantic. The company offers ready-to-camp, eco-friendly [ read more ... ]

Abenaki Aventure
@ Abénaki Aventure

Abenaki Aventure


Located in the Abenaki community of Odanak, Abenaki Aventure campground awaits! Le site counts some 64 divided rental accommodations and eight sections [ read more ... ]