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QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
Located in Montérégie, the Canal-de-Saint-Ours will allow you to discover Darvard Island. Try to recognize the many species of trees, birds and fish. Have a family picnic while watching the boats go through lockage. oTENTik accommodation, a hybrid between ...
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Maison de la culture Pointe-aux-Trembles
From theatre to music and song, from cinema and dance to the visual arts and heritage, the Maison de la Culture de Pointe-aux-Trembles offers a varied program every year.
Historical site of Pointe-à-la-Renommée (Fame Point)
Pointe-à-la-Renommée Historic Site is the strategic communications center of the First and Second World Wars, where Marconi installed North America's first marine radio station (1904), now designated a National Historic Event by the Historic Sites and ...
La Famille Migneron
Located in Baie-Saint-Paul, the Migneron de Charlevoix family is a family business working in the production of fine artisan cheeses. Les Mignerons are passionate about agronomy. On site, it is possible to learn and understand their peculiarities, to ...
Moulin Seigneurial des Éboulements
This flour mill, built in 1790, is still in operation today. Entirely restored, its original mechanism powered by a waterwheel still drives the millstones. Together, the mill and the seigneurial manor are one of the last four remaining seigneurial sites ...
Association Quad Abitibi-Ouest / Baie-James
Le Parc régional de Beauharnois-Salaberry
In the heart of the tourist region, the Parc régional de Beauharnois-Salaberry is a vast recreation and leisure destination where everyone can enjoy outdoor activities and develop healthy lifestyle habits! It offers a 72 km paved bike path that is part ...
Aviation du Fjord
Quebec’s wilderness is not easily accessible by land. Discover this untamed region aboard a HELICOPTER and get a bird-eye view of this luxuriant territory. Discover Tadoussac and Baie-Ste-Catherine: the fjord, the whales and the forest in a relaxed setting ...
Club de voile Senneville Yacht Club
104, chemin Senneville
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Qc, Canada
H9X 3L4
La Bullerie
Formerly named La Roche Des Brises, the estate located in St-Joseph-du-Lac was transformed in 2017 to become La Bullerie, a division of the PMG Group. In the wake of several renovations, La Bullerie finally opened its doors in the fall of 2017! La Bullerie ...
Relax in the outdoor thermal spa! Pass under one of the waterfalls or just lounge around while admiring the surrounding landscape. Only for 18 years old and over. Massage therapy treatments and NeuroSpa sessions also offered.