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QuebecGetaways picks
Located in the Eastern Townships, in downtown Sherbrooke, the Nature and Science Museum's mission is inspire, awaken and render accessible to everyone the discovery of nature, sciences and the richness of its collections from our natural heritage. The ...
Village Québécois d'Antan
Experience the Wonderful World of the New Village Québécois d’Antan. Be ready to meet up with the past because a time machine is ready to take you there! A fantastic time-travel adventure in the fascinating world of a historical Quebec village awaits ...
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Jardin harmonique de sculptures du Domaine Forget de Charevoix
Located in Saint-Irénée in the Charlevoix region, come discover the Harmonic Sculpture Garden, an ambulatory promenade featuring 25 works by artists from here and elsewhere. Some monumental sculptures dominate the river and are visible from Route 362 ...
La Famille Migneron
Located in Baie-Saint-Paul, the Migneron de Charlevoix family is a family business working in the production of fine artisan cheeses. Les Mignerons are passionate about agronomy. On site, it is possible to learn and understand their peculiarities, to ...
Sheriffville, located in the Monteregie region, 30 minutes drive from Montreal is the family activity of the summer! Looking for a WOW and affordable family activity for a whole day? Sheriff Ville Theme Park includes over 15 activities for kids and adults ...
Golf La Vallée des Forts
Le Club de golf de la Vallée des Forts, construit sur le site de l'érablière Au Pain de Sucre, offre aux golfeurs(euses) un parcours aménagé dans un boisé naturel. Il est aussi le seul club de golf au Québec à être entièrement tourbé. Ce parcours de 18 ...
Marie-Fitzbach Cultural Center
Located on the third floor of the Centre culturel Marie-Fitzbach, the Centre d'art et d'exposition offers culture lovers a range of exhibitions that change with the seasons. In addition to the visual arts, educational traveling exhibitions are also presented ...
Village d’Eastmain
Traditionnellement, les autochtones s’y rencontraient pour échanger les peaux de caribou contre l’écorce de bouleau servant à la fabrication des canots. Un premier comptoir a été érigé en 1690. Déplacé à quelques reprises, il fut installé de façon définitive ...
Centre Équestre Nature/Cheval Enchanteur
The Centre Équestre Nature/Cheval Enchanteur invites you to an escape into the beautiful mountains of Charlevoix with horses and an experienced guide. Horseback rides of 2 or 3 hours.
Éco-Musée Amérindien Mokotakan
The eco-museum traces the Amerindian presence for more than 5,000 years, through the reconstruction of various buildings from the 11 Aboriginal nations of Quebec. Mokotakan's mission is to share, disseminate and interpret Amerindian culture. A guided ...
Ferme Arthur Cauchon
Ferme Agricole Arthur Cauchon located on the Côte de Beaupré presents fresh and processed products from a diversified culture adapted to the different soils of its 40 hectares. The farm offers you, in the boutique, a variety of freshly harvested fruits ...
Fromagerie de l'Île aux Grues
The Ile-aux-Grues cheese dairy is based on a unique model: cooperation. All the milk produced on Isle is essentially dedicated to the cheese factory. This particularity is at the heart of the success of their products. It guarantees their quality, freshness ...