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Directory of attractions Nature & Outdoors
QuebecGetaways picks
Centre Nautique Pierre Plouffe
Centre Nautique Pierre Plouffe is located at the Beach & Tennis Club along the shores of dreamlike Lac Tremblant's crystalline water. 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) long, Lac Tremblant offers many challenges and memorable outings. For fun in the summer sun ...
Ermitage Saint-Antoine
Visit the Ermitage Saint-Antoine and discover its new exhibition on painter Guy Bruneau! Located just minutes from majestic Lac Saint-Jean, on a wooded estate bordered by lakes and mountains, Ermitage Saint-Antoine is the destination of choice to welcome ...
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Exode bâtisseur d’aventures
Adventure. The encounter between physical challenge and cultural opportunities. The authentic and respectful exploration of the land. The creation of unforgettable memories and experiences. EXODE, BÂTISSEUR D’AVENTURES focuses on finding means to explore ...
Les Expeditions Panorac Inc
More often than not, work and family life prevent you from traveling. Panorama expeditions allow you to experience adventures in winter like snowshoes or water activities in summer with your family. Some others expeditions given by Panorama make possible ...
The Saint-Rose-du-Nord quay (Boating stop) is a true cultural gem. Often brought to life by local artists, this picturesque little village exudes creativity and charm. Let yourself be seduced by the authentic atmosphere of this unique place, a guaranteed ...
Route touristique des Frontières
This scenic route is called the Border Route (Route des Frontières) because it runs along the borders of Quebec, New Brunswick and Maine. This area of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region is home to many symbols that remind us of its political and geographical ...
Nibiischii Corporation (Land of Water) operates the vast Albanel-Mistassini-and-Waconichi Wildlife Reserve, spanning more than 16,000 km². This magnificent boreal territory, marked by a vibrant culture, is run by the Cree Nation of Mistissini. The wildlife ...
Chutes de la Marmite
One of Rivière-à-Pierre’s biggest tourist attractions! In the 1920s, a hydroelectric dam was built on this site to provide the municipality with power. Spectacular and easy level hiking trail.
Mont Edouard has 4 mountains in the hinterland, with summits reaching altitudes of up to 800 m and vertical drops of over 400 meters. You'll find 32 trails from difficulty easy to extreme and also refuges.
Research and Education group on Marine Mammals (GREMM)
Founded in 1985 and based in Tadoussac, the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals is a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific research on the whales of the St. Lawrence and education for the sake of marine conservation. GREMM is ...
Navigo is a boat and pontoon rental centre in Magog and North Hatley. You will then be able to set out and explore many lakes (Massawippi and Memphrémagog) and admire the landscapes. In addition, you can choose from several types of boats and pontoons ...
4.6 km trail along the riverbank offering a pedestrian link between Pont-Rouge’s main attractions. With its 30 interpretive panels, the promenade allows you to discover the town’s flora and history.