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Directory of attractions Adventure
QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
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ULP Aviation
Established at St-Lambert-de-Lauzon airport (CST7), ULP Aviation is a weight-shift control aircraft (motorized hang glider) flight training center approved according to standards set by Transport Canada. This school is also a Transport Canada-authorized ...
Karavaniers, Aventure Écotourisme Québec and a collection of partners and regional businesses are joining forces to offer you original stays in Quebec! What if you took advantage of this opportunity to rediscover a part of the province, Karavaniers style ...
Parc national Tursujuq
Discover the largest National Park in Quebec with its 26,107 square kilometres of playground for lovers of hiking, sea kayaking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or ski touring. During winter, the park is a true paradise of powder snow. During summer ...
Hydravion Aventure Inc.
Discover Quebec and the valley of the Mauricie region with Hydravion Aventure Inc. A variety of flights and expeditions organized by a team of professionals (flight and restaurant, flight and picnic) and transfers offered from Montréal or Québec City ...
Ranch Le Soleil Le Vent
Come and relax on the Ranch with the beautiful horses, which will give you an adventure and outdoor experience in the rocky mountains. During your ride, it is possible to meet wild animals in their natural habitat as the area is rich in wildlife. You ...
Les Expéditions des 100 Lacs
Do you love adventure and the great outdoors? Experience the world of dogsledding and snowy winter weather, then warm up by the woodstove at the musher’s cabin. Expéditions des 100 Lacs is a place that will delight the most outdoor enthusiasts. Admire ...
Action Directe
Discover the only climbing centre and ninja warrior course on Montréal’s North Shore. Offer entertainment for children’s birthdays and children’s classes. School groups and day camps welcome.
Propulsion Rafting
Located on the river, Propulsion Rafting offers a wide variety of package deals for white water rafting, some of which also include meals and camping. Discover the fun of Quebec's most popular rafting site. Ranked one of the best places for rafting expeditions ...
L'Escarpé is a bloc climbing centre in Drummondville. Bloc climbing is a sport that requires only the use of sports shoes or specialized shoes. The walls are 16 feet tall and allow for a variety of challenges designed for beginners as well as seasoned ...
L'Aventureux offers several choices of activities for groups in Mauricie. This company offers a wide range of teambuilding activities for your group, such as GPS rallies, outdoor adventure games, indoor and outdoor immersive activities, treasure hunts ...