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Directory of attractions Adventure
QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
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Grondair Aviation is the most diverse aviation company in the entire eastern part of the country and operates a very large aircraft fleet. Founded in 1978, Grondair Aviation has acquired a great reputation in the world of aviation and operates both a ...
Univair aviation
Univair Aviation, based at St Hubert airport, on the south shore of Montreal, is a subsidiary of Air Richelieu and has been providing aircraft charter services since 1995. All the efforts are made to offer you a top-of-the-range service during your travels ...
Boutique Espresso Sports
Located near the Le P'tit Train du Nord linear park, Espresso Sports store offers a rental service for summer and winter sports. Summer: bikes, tandem bikes, carts and semi-bikes for children. Winter: cross-country skiing, skate-style skiing and snowshoeing ...
Performance N. C.
Zéro Gravité Escalade & Yoga
Zéro Gravité is a unique indoor rock climbing and yoga centre set in a safe, friendly and relaxed atmosphere: challenge for all levels, one price for both activities and more than 100 routes.
A Unique Adventure With Family & Friends Challenge yourself with our rock and ice climbing courses. Push yourself to reach higher and step further under the guidance of professional, certified guides. They adjust the height of the ropes for children ...
Parc national Ulittaniujalik
Discover Ulittaniujalik National Park and its main natural attractions such as Pyramid Peak and the mythical George River. Descend it by canoe in an extraordinary adventure stay! You will come back amazed from your trip to one of the largest parks in ...