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Directory of attractions Adventure
QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
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Quatre Natures
Located a few kilometers from Quebec City, Quatre Natures' mission is to help you discover new activities and destinations in a safe, organized environment that offers a unique and unforgettable experience. For a guided adventure, Quatre Natures offers ...
Rafting Momentum
Rafting Momentum offers you the ultimate white water rafting experience on the most beautiful river in Quebec/Ontario, located in Outaouais! You will ride big waves and catch the fresh air as you navigate down the Ottawa River. Rafting Momentum takes ...
H2O Expédition et Aventures
White water specialist since 1993, H20 Expédition et Aventures, located in Lake Saint Jean, offers, in harmony with nature, a variety of activities. Water, source of life, inspiration and sensations, bathes the landscapes of the adventure-oriented visitors ...
La Magie de l’Air
Enjoy a hot-air balloon flight with La Magie de l’Air Fly, float, and hover while hanging from a large air balloon. Make this balloon adventure unforgettable. Their different packages are offered throughout the year. Simply contact one of team members ...
Excursions Jacques-Cartier - Horseback riding
Excursions Jacques-Cartier offers you a free horseback riding formula! The instructors are with you, they help you and direct you on the trails crisscrossing the forests and mountains of Tewkesbury: an enchanting setting located just 30 minutes from downtown ...
Ecosurf Canada
With Ecosurf Canada, no need for waves or wind! You decide how fast you want to navigate, a bluetooth remote control gives you full control over your speed. The idea is to offer an amazing experience, with the best equipment for every rider profiles. ...
Sentiers récréatifs Portneuf
A network of 7 km of mountain bike trails, 3 km of walking trails and a pump track (a beaten-earth track for mountain bike) has been developed behind 451 Gauthier Boulevard in Portneuf. The trails are open every day from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from May through ...
Bosco Charlevoix
Bosco Charlevoix is an adventure company that offers guided dog sledding and sea kayaking excursions in a natural environment. They are a small team of 25 dogs and 2 humans that want to put human relations and contact with nature at the forefront. Their ...
Voile Mercator
Sailing Mercator is a Sailing Canada certified school that offers introductory excursions and sailing lessons for more than 35 years. The team of qualified and passionate instructors guides you at your own pace and according to your needs on the most ...
Les Expeditions Panorac Inc
More often than not, work and family life prevent you from traveling. Panorama expeditions allow you to experience adventures in winter like snowshoes or water activities in summer with your family. Some others expeditions given by Panorama make possible ...