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Directory of attractions Adventure
QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
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D-Tour Tremblant
Discover Mont-Tremblant with the private guide service, the tailor-made activities and the guided tours. Experience e-biking (electrically-enhanced bike). Go hiking or snowshoeing in the heart of the Laurentian forest. Explore the beautiful network of ...
Mont-Édouard Mountain Bike Centre
From forest bike trails to gravel bikes and enduros! New for 2023: A new La Piñata enduro trail will open for the start of the season! A new advanced intermediate track that's both technical and flowy. Come and try it this summer! Cycling enthusiasts ...
Nunavik is Québec’s far north, rugged and awe-inspiring. For millennium, the remote geography of this immense territory has served to protect the region’s natural features and landscapes, as well as its wildlife. The exceptionally pure waters of Pingualuk ...
Montebello, vélo de montagne
Located halfway between Montreal and Ottawa, Montebello offers more than 20 km of mountain bike trails for all levels of cyclists on the historic and majestic land of patriot Louis-Joseph Papineau. A reception pavilion and a bike rental centre are located ...
Passion Escalade
Here is a real must for sports and outdoor enthusiasts who travel along the Saint-Maurice River via Route 155. Passion escalade offers rock and ice climbing activities and training in the Mauricie region. It also offers camping and inn accommodation in ...
Mont Cascades Station
At Mont Cascades, they are dedicated to giving you an enjoyable skiing experience. The online ordering system, the full rental and repair shop and the on-site shopping boutique ensure your day won’t be spoiled by unexpected events or anything you forgot ...
O'Quai Richelieu
Located in the warm Marina St-Tropez, you can enjoy the beauty of the Richelieu River on our boats. Looking for a dose of adrenaline? Our personal watercraft will awaken your senses and make you experience a day that will be out of the ordinary. Would ...
Vertige Escalade
Vertige is a unique indoor climbing centre in Quebec! Set up in a repurposed church, this climbing centre welcomes enthusiasts and offers them the chance to climb in a breathtaking setting! This activity offers new challenges for all ages and all levels ...
Noryak operates in the Minganie region - on the North Shore of the Gulf of St-Lawrence - and specializes in sea kayaking and whitewater adventures in spectacular, pristine areas. Noryak offer all-inclusive trips ranging from one to five days in the Mingan ...
B46 Aventures
Discover the most beautiful off-roads with certified OHV guides and unique tours. The wilderness is becoming a huge territory of possibilities for all dual purpose motorcycle enthusiasts. Whether you ride our fully equipped dirt bikes or go on a motorcycle ...