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Directory of attractions Adventure
QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
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More than 500 snowmobilers are members of the Club sportif populaire du Bas-St-Laurent Inc. which covers the territories of the city of Rimouski and surrounding municipalities. The maintenance of the trails is done by three grooming machines used on average ...
Dorval aviation
Dorval aviation is the only flight school authorized to operate out of Montreal Trudeau International! We provide you with comprehensive, personalized flight instruction directly out of YUL for your convenience. Come experience the excitement of being ...
Les Sources Joyeuses
Les Sources Joyeuses, in La Malbaie, is the perfect place to enjoy the great outdoors while practicing a favorite sport. Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and hiking trails will allow you to discover magnificent views. Let yourself be seduced by the ...
Centre de Plongée EcoDive
Located on the docks of the Société du vieux canal in downtown Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, this PADI-certified diving school offering a wide range of scuba diving services and instruction, for everyone from beginners to professionals. Discover a unique ...
Nautical Club of Percé
The Nautical Club of Percé’s mission is to promote scuba diving and sea kayaking in the marine strip of Parc National de l’Île-Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-Percé. The Nautical Club is a PADI 5-star center offering complete scuba diving services: initiation ...
Cap de la Baie-Éternité
Overlooking the Baie Éternité of the Saguenay River, the view from the Cap is breathtaking. The Cap is the dream of many expert climbers who aspire to master the big wall climbing technique, i.e. climbing multi-pitch routes that generally exceed 150 m ...
Parachutisme Adrénaline
Parachutisme Adrénaline is a skydiving school offering introductory tandem jumps as well as training for people who want to learn to skydive on their own. They have an experienced and dynamic team that will make you live unforgettable moments. You will ...
Eid Air Aviation
Welcome to Eid Air Aviation. Established in 1996, the flying school, which derives its name from the eider duck, currently boasts a fleet of 8 aircraft in Bromont. They offer an array of services to help you get your pilot's license through one of the ...
Parc d'Aventure en montagne Les Palissades
Recreational Flight
Recreational Flight has brought together the best recreational aviation resources for you. Whether it is to learn to fly, buy flight equipment or simply to live an unforgettable experience in tandem with an instructor. Vol Récréatif has resources in Quebec ...