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Directory of attractions Adventure
QuebecGetaways picks
AML Cruises
AML Cruises is a family business established in Quebec for more than 50 years now. It is the largest cruise excursion company in Canada with its 25 ships operating in 10 ports in Quebec. In addition, it provides employment for a team of 750 employees ...
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Équinox Aventure
Équinox Aventure offers soft adventure packages around one of the largest lake of Quebec. On lake Saint-Jean, you will be able to discover quietly its islands and beaches. Around it, the Véloroute des Bleuets is a secure and accessible cycling path for ...
Parcours Aventures - Via ferrata Fjord-du-Saguenay
Installed on the imposing walls of Baie-Éternité on the Fjord-du-Saguenay, this via ferrata course offers an incredible opportunity to have access to landscapes normally reserved for seasoned mountaineers or the robust peregrine falcon. Three routes are ...
Parcours Aventures
Discover or perfect your rock or ice climbing techniques on the magnificent walls of the Saguenay. Supervised by certified professionals, on sites developed by the Fédération Québécoise de la Montagne et de l'Escalade (FQME), you will be able to take ...
The Zipline - Parc de la Chute Montmorency
Don't be intimidated by the mighty cascade! Challenge Montmorency Falls by approaching it like never before. Perched at the top of the cliff and stretching some 300 metres, the zipline enables people to cross Montmorency Falls cove, before landing near ...
Village Aventuria
The Village Aventuria, located in Chaudière-Appalaches 20 minutes from Thetford Mines, Ste-Marie and St-Georges, is an amusement park that will appeal to the whole family. In addition to thematic areas animated by endearing characters, the site offers ...
Rafting Montréal
Rafting Montréal has thrilling Rafting, Jet Boat and Tandem Kayak excursions on the impressive waves of Lachine Rapids, a few minutes from downtown Montréal. Make the most of summer and experience the joys of white water in complete safety! This summer ...
Canot à glace expérience
An original and safe way to play on the St. Lawrence River during winter, ice canoeing is uniquely Québecois. It takes five (5) paddlers to paddle the canoe through open water. The canoe moves thanks to large oars – similar to those used in rowing. When ...
Suroît Aventures
Suroît Aventures; the best place to play with the elements and see the majestic Saint-Lawrence River! Kitesurf/snowkite school; on water or on snow, International Kiteboarding Organization (IKO) certified instructors will teach you the best techniques ...
Parcours Aventures - Via ferrata Charlevoix
This summer, venture out on the Via Ferrata located on the rock face of the majestic Mont du Lac des Cygnes, where two secure courses have been set up for your pleasure. Thanks to the equipment that will help you progress on the wall (metal holds, beams ...
Parcours Aventures - Via ferrata Mont-Tremblant
The via ferrata du Diable, located in the Parc National du Mont-Tremblant, in the Sector de la Diable, is a course set up on the wall of the Vache Noire. At an altitude of 200m, you will cross beams, bridges and footbridges overlooking the winding Devil ...