Activities  >  Directory of attractions  >  Z.E.C. (Controlled Zone)
Z.E.C.s (Controlled Zones) in Quebec
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Zec de la rivière Moisie
Camping Zec Casault
Located in Gaspésie, the Zec Casault is renowned for the quality of its environment and the many activities available. Whether it's for hunting, fishing or simply the outdoors, nature lovers will be delighted. Accommodation on the site includes 2 cabins ...
Zec Saint-Patrice
228, route 148
Fort-Coulonge, Qc, Canada
J0X 1V0
Zec de la rivière Petite-Cascapédia
The Zec de la rivière Petite-Cascapédia has about 60 pools, more than 48 of the latter are found on the ZEC territory, spread over four sectors, three of which have limited access and one has non-limited access. The two sectors of the downstream portion ...
Zec des Martres
C. P. 87398
City of Québec, Qc, Canada
G1G 5E6
Zec Mitchinamecus
11, rue Notre-Dame
Sainte-Anne-du-Lac, Qc, Canada
J0W 1V0
Zec Capitachouane
Zec Capitachouane is located in the region of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The zec was created in 1978 and its 858 km2 are open for the hunting of various species, which include black bears, moose, duck, coyote, ruffed grouse, ptarmigan, snowshoe hare, wolf ...
Zec des rivières Godbout et Mistassini
LA PÊCHE SUR LA RIVIÈRE GODBOUT EST UNE EXPÉRIENCE UNIQUE. Il faut dire que la rivière impresionne! Sa longueur, ses rapides à travers la montagne puis le grand plateau avant de s’engoufrer à nouveaux à travers la roche, tel est le parcours du saumon ...
Zec Jeannotte
660, avenue Valence
City of Québec, Qc, Canada
G1G 2T4
Zec Varin
300, Lasalle boul.
Baie-Comeau, Qc, Canada
G4Z 0A6