Parc le Trou de la Fée: a spectacular natural site

Attractions to discover, August 12, 2024 2024-08-12
Parc le Trou de la Fée
Photo credit: Parc le Trou de la Fée

Located in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region, the Parc le Trou de la Fée is sure to amaze nature lovers. Visitors can not only discover the canyon of the imposing Métabetchouane River, but can also make their way across the walkway over the water supply pipeline, the footbridges anchored to the rocky capes and the 15-metre-long suspension bridge. The Coulée Verte Trail, on the other hand, will take you through a beautiful stream with waterfalls and lush vegetation, or you can explore the narrower Trois Chutes trail in the woods.

And why not enjoy your first caving experience in the Trou de la Fée cavern? A 30-minute guided tour takes you through three chambers to the deepest point, 68 metres underground.

A breathtaking multimedia show

ÉCHO, la mémoire des pierres (Echo, the memory of stones) is a 360-degree projection that shows the evolution of the territory. Supported by sound effects and skillfully orchestrated lights, this show invites you to experience the major events related to the history of the site, the municipality of Desbiens and its population. You will be amazed and fascinated by the projection room carved right into the granite of the Canadian Shield, which forms an amphitheatre 7 metres high and 16 metres in diameter!

ÉCHO, la mémoire des pierres
ÉCHO, la mémoire des pierres. Photo credit: Parc le Trou de la Fée

For visitors with reduced mobility

Visitors can consult a timeline that takes a more in-depth look at the major events presented in the show from an adapted workstation. It also presents information on bats and the ouananiche Atlantic salmon. What's more, a virtual reality tour of the cave is offered, followed by a breathtaking flyover of the river!

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