Fall is in the spotlight: say bonjour to Quebec’s colours!

Attractions to discover, September 13, 2021 2021-09-13
Activities for fall in Quebec

The magnificent warm autumnal hues combined with a refreshing breeze are simply inspiring. Some people will take the opportunity to contemplate nature in all its forms or to enjoy invigorating outdoor activities. Others will choose this moment for a well-deserved break by planning a resort vacation or a spa getaway.

Centre de Villégiature Lac
Fiddler Lake Resort

A one-stop-shop vacation at a resort

For lodging and outdoor activities in a single location, resorts are a no-brainer. Perfect for all types of travellers, these establishments offer a wide range of rooms, cottages or condos, excellent dining options and plenty of things to do on site or nearby. Put all your cares on hold and don’t forget to admire the scenery.

Discover our suggestions of resorts by clicking here!

At the heart of nature in all kinds of parks

There’s nothing quite like a walk in the park to fill up on fall foliage. Whether you choose a park near urban centres or one in a rural area, each part of Quebec presents its own interpretation of the season. Parks are also prime spots for activities that let you explore nature from a new angle.

Discover our suggestions of parks by clicking here!

Le Canyon Sainte-Anne
Canyon Sainte-Anne
Admirez la nature du Québec cet automne!
Admire nature in Quebec this fall!

Intepretation centres teeming with life!

In the fall, everything changes! That makes the season the ideal time to learn more about nature and its myriad secrets. The various interpretation centres are truly a source of wonder and offer a variety of experiences about plants, wildlife and biodiversity – all of which promise infinite discoveries to be made!

Discover our suggestions of interpretation centres by clicking here!

A fun-filled day at outdoor recreation centres

These places are suitable for a great variety of visitors, from families to thrill-seekers. All over the province, you’ll find businesses that make the most of wide-open spaces and invite you to take a breath of fresh air while you observe local wildlife, enjoy an outdoor activity or head out on an adventure. Some centres even offer on-site lodging so you can extend your stay out in nature.

Discover our suggestions of outdoor centres by clicking here!

Delightful moments of relaxation at spas

Fall’s milder temperatures inevitably lead us to seek out soothing activities. Several spas in Quebec make the scenery an integral part of the spa-going experience and design their facilities so that visitors can admire it all the more. Treat yourself to a massage, cosmetic treatment or a heat therapy circuit in an enchanting setting that promises to be invigorating.

Discover our suggestions of spas by clicking here!

SKYSPA au Quartier DIX30
SKYSPA at Quartier DIX30

The extraordinary display of flamboyant foliage is awesome to witness – and there are all sorts of ways to make the most of it while it lasts!

For more ideas on what to do this fall, check out our packages, things to do and promotions.

In partnership with Bonjour Québec

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