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Aquaventure Petite-Nation
450 rg St-Joseph O.
Saint-André-Avellin, Qc, Canada
J0V 1W0
Bureau d’information touristique de Sorel-Tracy
Located inside a historic home on the banks of Rivière Richelieu, at the gateway to the Lac Saint-Pierre world biosphere reserve, the Sorel-Tracy regional tourism office is responsible for promoting tourist activities in the Pierre-De Saurel RCM. Visitors ...
Bureau d'accueil touristique de Montréal (Montréal Nord)
Pour obtenir de l'information, communiquez avec le bureau d'accueil touristique de Montréal.
Bureau d'information touristique de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade
Bureau d'information touristique de Saint-Fabien-de-Panet
The Bureau d'information touristique de Saint-Fabien-de-Panet offers information on the Parc régional des Appalaches, which offers a vast array of outdoor activities for the whole family and on the entire region.
Chinook Aventure
All year round, Détour Nature offers one-day trips (every Saturday and Sunday) and multi-day outdoor adventure trips in North America. Cycling, hiking, sea-kayaking, cross-country-skiing and snowshoeing trips. Sea-kayaking courses and bus rental (with ...
Domaine de la Truite du Parc
4, chemin des Anémones
Stoneham-Et-Tewkesbury, Qc, Canada
G3C 0A4
L’Atelier du loisir
L'Atelier du loisir enr. has been designing and producing interactive fantastic events since 1990. With more than 100 activities to its credit, the experienced team does everything in its power to provide you with an unforgettable experience. Sets, costumes ...
Relais d’information touristique de Taschereau
Relais d'information touristique de North Hatley