route 138 Rivière-au-Tonnerre, Qc, Canada G0G 2L0
The Bureau d’information touristique de Saint-Jean-Port-Joli is located right at the heart of the action in the village. During the summer, its dynamic and helpful staff will provide all the information you need to plan your stay in this hospitable region ...
1323, Adrien-Brien Chambly, Qc, Canada J3L 6X4
La Vitrine operates the only cultural information centre in the greater Montréal area. Located at the heart of the Quartier des spectacles (entertainment district), La Vitrine welcomes several thousand visitors yearly, provides a personalized welcome ...
Parc routier, autoroute 40 Est Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Qc, Canada G3A 2A3
Located in the train station in the center of the village, very close to the Le P'tit train du Nord linear park, the Bureau d’accueil touristique de Val-David is the ideal place for suggestions for accommodation, gourmet stops, activities or attractions ...
4789, boulevard Allard Drummondville, Qc, Canada J2A 2R8
À 20 minutes de la capitale nationale, de robustes chiens Husky d'Alaska et Sibériens vous feront vivre une expérience unique sur les sentiers vallonnés de la belle région du lac Mcgregor. Une initiation à la conduite du traîneau est offerte à l'intérieur ...